Archive for June 13th, 2012

June 13, 2012

Day 155: UNworldly

One of the best things about losing weight is all of the comments that we get… “Oh my gosh, you look great!” “Wow- you are so small!” etc. It is also one of the worst things about losing weight… we tend to get almost “addicted” to the comments and then after a while when the comments stop, we start to think… do I still look great? do people still think I am small?

I know that I have gotten to have several of these comments over the past months… more than anything I think it’s because I was overweight for so long that a lot of people are more shocked that the weight has come off so quickly (honestly, I’m in that same boat with them). I still get comments and although I don’t feel like I need them like I would have on a previous diet, they are nice to hear.

And that made me think about there are several people that have covenants that wouldn’t be obvious to the general world. Like, my friend Sherry who is not buying anything new for the year as her covenant. There’s no weight to be lost. No one would probably even know about it unless she told them. No comments to be made… I mean, who is going to randomly say “Oh wow, Sherry… you haven’t worn any new, cool, super-trendy clothes in the past few months! Great!” But, Sherry is learning something from the get-go that will probably take me a bit longer to learn… she is learning to rely 100% on God’s approval of her. on His delight at her sacrifice. on His blessings alone. So, even though it might be harder some days for her to keep her focus and motivation because she is doing something so very… UNworldly… she, in the long run, will receive the greater prize! It actually makes me want to come up with something UNworldly… I want a cool God prize too!!!

But even for those that are on the covenant diet that were already skinny, like my friend Alice. She already had a rocket hot bod when starting the covenant, but she was addicted sugar. And although she might have wanted to get skinnier (although I’m not sure how that’s possible), she really just wanted the freedom from sugar. Skinny or no skinny. Freedom is better. But she’s probably not gonna get any comments from friends on “how much” weight she’s lost because she was already skinny. She, also, is doing something UNworldly in that she is utilizing the power of God to overcome an addiction that the world wouldn’t think is necessary to overcome since she is already skinny.

They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize. 1 Corinthians 9:25